Originally Posted By: wfaulk
had regular checkups with the doctor, his cancer might have been detected when it was still treatable. It's this sort of thing that bothers me.

Thanks for the answer, it has added quite a lot of clarity to the actual levels of care available. There is more than I thought. But it would bother me too.

My Mum has worked in the NHS most of her life, and has always said prevention is better than cure. It would be interesting to see if an NHS like system was introduced in the US that how much the overall cost to the country would change. I think there would be an argument for saying the cost could reduce as illness would be picked up much quicker and be much cheaper to treat.

Like Godfrey said earlier on, these days it's pretty easy to see your GP. I don't think the system is widely abused, of course there is some, I think there is something quite wrong to have to balance your own personal health with your own personal wealth. It doesn't feel very human to me.

