Flash is omnipresent in certain categories of products. Try visiting any car manufacturer's web site and it's a giant pile of Flash. Similar things happen on other luxury goods' manufacturer web sites (e.g., try looking around at nice Swiss watches).

Flash is also widely used in small but significant ways. Gmail uses Flash to implement it's file uploader. Gmail works fine without Flash, but it's better with Flash.

HTML5 is on its way to obsoleting Flash and I'll be the first one to bid it adieu, but Flash will still be around for several years, at a minimum.

(Grumpy old-timer rant: Java could well have served this purpose, but Flash was, for whatever reason, something that Microsoft has no problem with its becoming ubiquitous, and Flash had a decent graphics and rendering system when Java's was a bad joke. Would we be griping about Flash today if we replaced the word "Flash" with "Java" everywhere? Unclear.)