Originally Posted By: Dignan
You implied that one of the reasons you finally installed the Nest was because you were moving around a lot. I was asking why that had anything to do with it, since it's as easy to install as any other thermostat.

Any other normal thermostat, perhaps. But no on any other thermostat with WiFi at the time. They all required the extra C wire with 24V for power. None of the apartments I've lived in had this wire. And trying to install a C wire for voltage jumps install time from 15 minutes to involving building management to make modifications to wiring.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
I still prize interoperability. You've been assuming a lot about Nest's intentions before the buyout.

I assumed Nest would continue to make more smart products for the home. And they have hints of home automation just from the aspect of being more smart then previous products in the space. Your home automation efforts let you set a temperature from somewhere other then the thermostat. Nest gave me that home automation feature too.

So far, my assumption is true with the release of Nest Protect. Never anything more then this. I made one comment that the Nest could be the start to my own home automation efforts. Looking back to refresh my own memory, you and Bruno were having the home automation talks in the initial Nest thread.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
Why can't Nest do what it does and also talk to other things in your home?

As answered before in that old thread in 2012, it is likely due to Nest's startup nature. Startups (from personal experience) have to run lean. Trying to interoperate before shipping a product is a potentially startup dooming waste of time. Even with the second Nest Protect product out the door, Nest was still in investment seeking mode.

Originally Posted By: Dignan
Tom, I think I'm just confused about that you're arguing for.

That may be the problem. I wasn't arguing, I tried to give you the perspective I thought you asked for as a Nest owner, but not a home automation enthusiast. Then it turned into an argument. I personally never had the assumption that Nest was going to be a full home automation solution, and my posts dating back to their initial announcement reflect this. It might have kickstarted me more into it, had I had a stable living situation. But until that happens, I haven't done a deep dive into the space and simply have a casual surface view dating back to the X10 stuff.

I probably should have just stopped when this was said:
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I don't want to continue my negativity, but