This web site provides great charts, so you can see how different countries, or different states in the U.S., are doing relative to one another at containing the virus. A particularly interesting set of charts here are "normalized by population".

Facts of note:
- The U.S. average growth rate is 1.35x per day (!)
- Texas is growing at 1.41x per day, although we're nowhere near as bad as many other states.

Also, it's important to know that any change the states introduce to reduce the growth rate won't show up in these numbers until two weeks later, since that's (supposedly) the incubation period for the virus.

In short, until we get this growth number below 1.0, then we're not going to be able to get the virus under control. And even then, to *keep* it under 1.0, our daily life routines, post-isolation (whenever that happens), will be quite different, at least until we have proven vaccines. And that, unfortunately, is not happening any time soon.

Lastly, an important note: these data represent a lower bound on the actual infection rates. Until testing becomes much more widespread, we won't know the actual infection rate.