Originally Posted By: Taym
Sounds silly to ask but after so many years in this place... how's everyone doing?

Better than most. I think I'm probably the person in my family who is best suited to an extended stay at home. I have tons of projects to do around the house, my funds can probably last through the quarantine, and I don't get stir crazy very easily. It's the rest of my family that I worry about, since we have two small kids with boundless energy. Fortunately they're not really begging to go out and do the things we usually do, but I just wish I had a better way to entertain them. Again, we're more fortunate than most, with a yard and a play set. But they've been doing that on every sunny day we have, so it's bound to lose its luster soon.

My wife and I have also been dealing with horrible allergies that have turned into eye/nasal infections. That's been a blast! And it's great to have coughing fits and worry that you have a deadly virus that might kill you or a loved one. So far, we're ok, but it goes without saying that things really suck right now.