Originally Posted By: Taym
... how's everyone doing?
At the moment, I and my family are OK.

We've set up a small decontamination station in the yard next to the door into the kitchen. Nothing (people, packages, etc.) goes through that door without being sanitized.

My frustration isn't about being voluntarily confined. I am frustrated because despite all my Henny Penny the Sky is Falling rants of doom and destruction, so many people are still not taking this seriously.

Being in the high risk category (75 years, recent pneumonia) I take this a bit more personally than some. I gave up responding to one lady with rose-colored glasses who castigated me (on another website) for spreading fear and uncertainty ("You're not being helpful!") when I posted WHO numbers, current infection rates, the observed mortality rate, and the magic of exponential growth.

The irony is, my post on that website was only peripherally concerned with Covid-19. A year from now we're going to look back on these recent weeks as the Good Old Days when our biggest concern was dying from some damn virus. The economic apocalypse is at hand. Deutsche Bank will likely be the first domino, and then...

The sky really is falling.

But that's a topic for another time. Nobody will listen anyway,I know how Cassandra must have felt. At least nearly all of my assets are in tangible, useful things.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"