>1. Volume up/down [default behaviour now]
>2. Skip forward or back quickly in playlist [newly added option]
>3. Cycle forward and back through visuals quickly ala 2 above
>4. Same for preset stations in Tuner mode
> [i.e. skip forward/back through the presets quickly]

Well, #2 and #4 are exactly the same solution, implemented already, but as a separate main menu item.

The player software does not currently have any way to implement #3 (going backwards through visuals), much as we'd all like to have it.

#1 is already there.

The interface for something like this would likely be just like the current PopUp list, just adding more options to it. Hit the knob, get a popup, scroll to the desired action, press again, and then you're in the "scan forth/back" or whatever action you wanted.

But I will leave this be for now, until the concept and feature list matures a little more. Right now, there's just not enough new capability there to be worthwhile, since most/all of it already exists in a reasonable fashion. But someday..

Meanwhile, I haven't touched my ftp server code since Christmas Eve.. gotta get back to work on it.
