Oy, I didn't know this would turn into a mess like that, but it looks like it was worked out as well by the time I got here.

I'm making it official policy now to give credit in any of the sections like the FAQ, Developer Info, etc... Link to relevant posts over here if necessary, but at least have a name.

Sven, you still have full access like you did. I recently gave yn0t access so he could add some info. He reorganized the area, I looked it over, and approved it. I appologize for not thinking to consult with you as well on this. Mark Lord also has access, so that way he can add any info he wants to, if the Hijack development ever slows. (The admin side of riocar.org is definitly not set up for easy, quick updates). Other admins include Rob, Hugo, and Richard L. If anyone else wants access, consult me via e-mail. If you are not well known by the community, please post info here, and one of the admins can then transpose it over to the site.

I definitly wanted RioCar.org to have several key admins, not just myself. This way, the site won't suffer the same "information rot" that overtook empeg.mars.org. I am working from time to time on a new riocar.org that hopefully will have user submittions for the FAQ and Developer Info sections. This should increase content without increasing the admin count to a huge amount.