Ok, wait, now I am using 221 by MLord and I could not see any bar. However, the wording is quite confusing in v 221. It says, for example,
Shift 0.4 msec LEFT
Mark, what does this mean? I suppose (and also it sounds as) that means that the LEFT channel is delayed by 0.4 msec. So WHAT exactly is being shifted LEFT, as the UI says? The left speaker is the only thing being shifted "virtually" LEFT in the "SPACE", BUT the stereo image center is being shifted RIGHT.
Mark, consider that when no correction is applied, if you are sitting on the LEFT seat, you are in a situation where the center of the stereo image is on your left (because you're closer to the left speaker than to the right one), and by delaying the left channel you move the center to your right until it is right in front of you.
So, I would use the word "DELAY" rather then "SHIFT", which I find extremely confusing.
Also, as to the bar in the GUI, allow me to suggest again what I said in a previous post of mine, in this same thread, posted on Feb 17th . I still thing that is the best way.
= Taym =
MK2a #040103216 * 100Gb *All/Colors* Radio * 3.0a11 * Hijack = taympeg