Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
See you in five to ten minutes, I guess...
Well, things went a bit differently that time, but not satisfactorily.

It booted to desktop in the usual 30 seconds or so (I didn't time it) but this time, some applications would run, some just went into the queue to start up after seven minutes and one second.

These are the applications I tried that DID start up:
MS Word
YouTube Downloader
Control Panel

These are the applications I tried that did NOT start up:
Rosetta Stone (Loaded but quit "Not Responding")
Garmin Basecamp

I'll take the computer back to the shop again tomorrow and see if the tech has any better luck.

I should point out that the repair costs so far have been outrageous! They worked on the computer off and on for two and a half days, got it working (in their shop, at least) and charged me the horrific sum of $150 pesos. That's a little bit over eight US Dollars, or about seven and a half euros.

Cost of living is a little bit less in Mexico.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"