More good (make that great) stuff

I just realized you can save some space by dimming the altitude if it isn't a current measurement and that implies a 2 D solution (I think you are already doing the dimming). For some reason GPSapp is seeing large numbers for HDOP from my TSIP source (over 100,000) so that field should probably be limited to two positions left of the decimal. Maybe TSIP puts out negative numbers to indicate inadequate geometry, I don't remember for sure!

Also the map scale could save a little space by showing the scale as the 32 pixel height of the screen and adding small serifs to the vertical line that separates the map from the text fields.

For those who are interested:

Dilutions Of Precision come in four flavors; Position, Horizontal, Vertical and Time. These are factors that can be used to estimate the degradation of acuuracy for each of these measurements that are attributable to the geometric relationship of the satellites (currently being used in the solution) to the user.

A simple calculation would take the RMS value of the URA values transmitted by the satellites in use (User Range Accuracy is part of the ephemeris message contuinuously transmitted by the satellites) and multiply it by the relavent DOP for an accuracy estimate in meters. Divide by the speed of light for TDOP to convert to seconds.

The DOPs are calculated and should be considered to be precise, however the URAs are just estimates with poor resolution, typically 2, 2.8, 4, 8 ... so the resultof the above calculation is also only an estimate.
