Have you seen the short-lived Firefly TV show that Serenity is a movie version of? It's also quite human-centric. I'd be very surprised if the movie wasn't, too. Anyway, if you haven't seen it, I'd suggest it, based on what you've said you like. There's also a lot of action, too. (It's available on DVD in the States, but Amazon.fr only shows it as a Region 1 import.)

I'd like to include Solaris in that list of movies, too, as what it tried to be was a solid interpretation of Stanislaw Lem's work, which was quite human-centric, but it's too damned slow to be even remotely entertaining. It makes 2001 look like Star Wars. It also forgot to actually get around to the elements that made it human-centric. I suppose the lack of either action or drama is what makes it feel so slow.
Bitt Faulk