As for myself, I must say I'm more impressed with the PS3 than I thought I would be. The sheer power is nothing less than impressive. The main selling point for me would be the Blu-ray technology and the HD up to 1080p! Unlike every other media type Sony has tried to force on all of us, Blu-ray just seems more logical to me [than HD-DVD]. Aside from higher manufacturing costs and the fact that Sony is backing it, it seems to make more sense in my mind.
Regardless, I can't help but look at Sony and Microsoft and think about the approach they take to gaming. It's all brawn and no heart. I'm realistic enough to realize that this is how the industry is going, and thus the reason that Nintendo failed so badly the last time around.
However, I think it would be tough to count out the Revolution. I'm sure it won't be as powerful as the PS3, but it appears Nintendo didn't try any 'revolution'ary approach to user interface or anything. They stayed somewhat realistic. What excites me the most about the Revolution is the supposed complete backwards compatibility for every single Nintendo console ever made via emulation!! (well, hardware for the Gamecube) That's fantastic!
Obviously, these days Microsoft is going after the current non-gamers pretty hard, and why not? They got a lot of them last time with stuff like Madden and Halo. But I think a lot of the old-school gamers out there are going to glom onto the idea that they can revisit their favorite Nintendo games from the past 20 years. That's phenomenal. I have a friend who hasn't bought the last two generations of consoles. I have a feeling that he'd get a Revolution just to play Rygar.
My biggest question about this emulation stuff is what kind of distribution method they'll employ. Are they going to say that all those ROMs floating out there are legit? Will they have an online store? Will they sell DVDs packed with thousands of classic games? I'm really excited to see how this works out, and to me, it's been the biggest selling factor of any of the systems so far.
But don't worry, I know I'm in the minority