Everyone keeps saying that. "My XBox can already emulate stuff." Please. It's completely different. We're basically talking about legitimate, possibly free, 100% functional ROMs. This is nothing like getting a bunch of games off an FTP site and hoping they'll work in ZSNES (which I swear I've never done). This also isn't one of those Taiwanese NES emulators that you see in the mall** (one controller with 500 games!). This is Nintendo. If they do this, they're going to do it right, and it's going to work. As far as I'm concerned, this isn't going to be emulation like we know it now. I predict this will be like playing the original.

**Has anyone seen these things? I actually have the "Mega Joy 2." I can't tell you how bizarre it is to play 2-player Mario Bros with this thing. The first player is using a cheap N64 controller with the game in it, and the second player is using, of all things, a Genesis controller plugged into the N64 controller. It's weird. Plus, the thing is made of the cheapest plastic I've ever seen. It's like there's some production line out there that bought the old N64 molds, and is pumping these things out with the lowest grade materials money can buy. I find it hilarious that things like this show up in the mall. How is this legal?