Hm, I haven't voted yet because I honestly had no idea this stuff existed. But:
get a Revolution just to play Rygar
THIS is exciting. THIS may be my first console purchase since 16 bit NES in... 1989? Then I could snag all the old games off EBay for a few $$ each and be a happy man. Wait, the console accepts all the old carts? If I could drop in the black and white original Game Boy cart of Super Mario Land, I'd be in heaven.
But I've been promising myself that I'd buy a PS at some point. Its backward compatibility would let me play all those great titles like Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy. Also tempting. And it could act as the DVD player which I... still don't own yet.
Microsoft? No. Just no.
Thanks for the update. Oh, and about emulation. Owning a Revolution would allow you to possess all the emulation programs, not the roms. Unless you bought a 1000 game DVD like you mentioned. Hm...... /me comes up with a devious idea
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set