I could easily see an entire weekend turning into a blur of Super Mario Kart.

Absolutely! I could see my friends and I working our way through the various iterations of Mario Kart, including the inevitable Revolution version. The race modes have improved greatly over the years, but I still think my favorite version for battle mode is still the original. It just depended so much more on strategy than the later games (has anyone played the bomb mode in Double Dash? that is chaos defined).

I don't know if anyone here still watches G4 (it's a terrible network with a couple redeeming qualities), but I watched their coverage of E3 last night. I was highly disappointed when they merely glossed over this multi-generational backwards compatibility. One guy mentioned that it's nothing more than what you can do with an XBox with a mod chip. Well guess what, you can also do it on a computer, that's not the point. The point is it'll be officially supported, and probably implemented in a very cool way. I'm hoping they go all out with it and do stuff like online play. How many people here would like to see online play for Goldeneye, every Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros, etc?