Yep, I saw those out there, with the fake XBox 360 below the TVs. Saw a few being carried around as well to swap out systems with issues.

Microsoft did comment that any performance related issues were because of the G5s, trying to poke at Apple. But looking at the amount of people carying Powerbooks and iPods around the show, I don't think Apple cared.

Oh, mistake of the show. Nintendo and Sony thinking wireless on a handheld was a good way to show off things. My DS threw fits trying to download any of the demos due to wireless being so crowded, and PSP demos in the Sony area failed in under 30 seconds, even with the two units right near each other. Way too much 802.11, including all the normal access points. The next 802.11 standard really needs more then 3 non overlapping channels badly for situations like that.