This is nothing like getting a bunch of games off an FTP site and hoping they'll work in ZSNES (which I swear I've never done).

MAME does works pretty well on the Xbox. You really do need a proper arcade controller setup however but you can purchase that if you're really serious about it.

This is Nintendo. If they do this, they're going to do it right, and it's going to work.


**Has anyone seen these things? I actually have the "Mega Joy 2."

Yeah. They show up here as well every time it gets near Christmas.

How is this legal?

Most of them aren't. The ones that are legal have totally unknown games or ones they were able to purchase the rights to cheaply which means none of the well known ones. They rely on the fact that by the time the companies notice, they've disappeared. The companies which make these things are invariably in China or Taiwan where the laws are a bit lax on this topic.