Sorry to keep bringing this up, but in case anyone's interested, there's a list out there of games that will be available for free download on the Revolution:


Like it says, there's going to be more titles announced later, including ones not made in Japan. For now, I'm satisfied that all the big ones are there, including the whole Zelda series and every Mario Kart.

Cool. 221 games is certainly showing they really mean it. One question is whether they'll release the same set of games in other territories. Some of the Japanese stuff they might just restrict to Japan.

I honestly don't think they'll charge, even for the most popular games.

They might not charge but it might be linked into their real games. Like you have to achieve some specific goal in a game and it'll unlock a certain download for you. They do this anyway with the Game Cube Animal Corssing but it's possible they'll extend it to their online service as well.

But I think that these days the younger folk have no interest in playing games from 1996, let alone 1986.

Yup. My young cousins are shocked if a game isn't fully 3D with FSAA and voice acting.