Having no hands on experience with any, I'm not going to comment much. Specs, I could care less about. Show me a game I want to play, or in the case of an expensive console, a few games.
My E3 impressions thus far is that Sony and Microsoft are really busy throwing specs out at people and each other. So far, specs don't matter in the console arena much. PS2 was the weakest console out of the last gen (including the Dreamcast), and yet it was number 1 by far. So having a multi gigawatt memory interface won't make me buy. The Blu-ray interests me in the PS3, but only if the format wars are settled and I don't have to worry about buying an HD movie format that may die. Cell seems way over hyped. At least we know how Sony will justify the complex chip in a console. 7 cell processors will be active on the die, out of 8, so the PS3 is basicially getting slightly rejected chips off the fab line. The question is where those fully functional 8 cell chips are going.
XBox 360, well, it is the one we will see first. But even with it months away, there wern't a ton of games shown. Most also had PC counterparts. I'll still prefer a PC game to an XBox game mostly for controls in many cases.
Nintendo's console I'll own. I know at some point it will have a Zelda game, and likely a Metroid game. The only long line I stood in at E3 was to play the new Zelda game for the GameCube. Nintendo seems to be the only one of the 3 still just focused on making games, and it's a shame people are slamming them for nor showing their entire hand at E3. I think they are doing the right thing in holding out till they have more to show.
Prices at this point also havn't been announced, though hints from comments in Japan have the PS3 pegged somewhere near $450. That could be a tough sell for Sony initially, especially coming in after the XBox 360. HD still isn't all that big in the US, so I don't see Blu-ray selling the box at first.
E3 was disappointing for the next consoles, since noone really showed much that was interesting. I'm hoping its not an issue with the consoles being too difficult to program for.