Regardless of what Andy says, your comments about Facebook are somewhat revealing. You're clearly looking at the most negative side of the service that you can. You're holding up the worst examples and defining the entire site by those examples.

- not everyone who uses Facebook is addicted to it
- not everyone uses Facebook as their AOL-like "internet for dummies"
- not everyone strives for the highest friend count possible

Like I said before, Facebook is nearing 300 million users (if they haven't reached that already). Not all of them use it the same way.

Anyway, I know I'm not going to change your mind on the service. You're not going to hear it, but it's not the evil thing you think it is.

By the way, has anyone seen Facebook Lite? ( It's a great streamlined view of the site, without a lot of the crap that's been added over the years.