Currently, insurance companies provide insurance to all of the employees of a company at lower cost under the assumption (occasionally requirement) that most of the employees will accept the insurance, and the costs of the few sickly will be overcome by the lack of costs of the healthy. There is, to my knowledge, no requirement that insurance companies provide these deals to employers, so they must be making money at it.

I wasn't going to get into this anymore, but this is a quickie. Bitt, either you don't know what you're talking about or you're being duplicitous. You fail to mention anything about employer contributions to health plans which definitely hide much of the cost borne by employee health plan members. Employers often contribute as much or more than the employee for the employee health care offered. In my case I have one of those much maligned cadillac plans that has all kinds of stuff I will probably never use. It's not by choice, but rather because it's all that is offered. I myself don't pay that much for it, but my employer pays through the nose. I will probably have to get off of it once I am taxed at 40% (that would be $4000 in tax) of it since it will no longer be cheaper than buying it on my own.

If you want it to break, buy Sony!