I suppose this can get into market research as well, but I'll try to keep numbers out of it.

My all-around favorite beer-producing nation is Belgium. IMO, they simply have no equals for my tastes. That said, they also have what's perhaps the beer I despise the most of all I've ever tasted. Stella Artois.
I'm primarily an Ale fan, and the more fermentation, the better - including in-bottle yeast deposits. Because of this, so far my main go-to beer, which is easy to obtain locally and well-priced compared to most other domestics and premiums, are the beers of
Unibroue, of Chambly Quebec. Without hesitation, I give them absolute top honors as the best brewery in all of North America, regardless of size. I can't say I've ever had anything from them that I haven't at least liked somewhat.
My goto products from
Unibroue (primarily the first three):
Trois Pistoles - Abbey-style strong dark ale
Maudite - Strong amber red ale
La Fin Du Monde -Tripel-style golden ale
Noir de Chambly - Belgian-style black ale
Blanche de Chambly - North America's first Belgian-style white.
I like Unibroue's stuff so much in fact, that I think they can more than hold their own against almost anything from Belgium. And believe me, I also love me some Chimay and Westmalle.
Recently I also bought nearly a case (of 750ml bottles!) of a beer I'd only had once before, two years ago and fell in love with. It's apparently from the only Abbey/Trappist brewery outside of Belgium,
Koningshoeven in the Netherlands. The beer is their
La Trappe Quadrupel. It's the only one I've ever been able to get from them here locally and it's practically a dessert beer. At 10.5% ABV it's not something you're going to knock down bottle after bottle either.

On a domestic note, like almost everyone around here, I also quite like Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale, which is nowhere near as bitter as a true IPA. Probably my favorite "mass-produced" beer is
Blue Moon - which is a Molson Coors product. It's done in a more micro style and apparently even though claimed to be from Colorado, some of it is actually brewed here in Canada and exported to the US. It's not available for sale in Canada and the closest to its recipe is Rickard's White, which is also a Molson brand.
Ok, now I have to get back into the kitchen to finish off the lobster risotto I started doing prep for an hour ago.
Oh.... I won't touch Labatt's Blue, even when it's free.