I probably dont have all the facts, and I dont keep up with current events as well as I probably should, but from the bits and pieces I do get, it would appear that Blair is following Bush straight into the frying pan.

Why is he so blindly supporting our obviously megalomaniacal leader?
Does the US have some dirt on him?
Does he really believe what Bush is telling him? Based on Bush's track record so far I cant believe that he can be *that* persuasive.

What does Blair stand to gain? Weekends at the ranch in Texas? Free rides in Marine One? The undying love and support of his fellow countrymen? I dont think so.
It just doesnt jibe.

And today on MSNBC I read that his own political party would like him to consider resigning if Britain goes to war without a U.N. mandate and a prior vote by the House of Commons.
I mean, is he willing to blow his whole political career over this?
Apparently so. But why?
I just cant figure it out.
I know Bush is a nitwit and he has ulterior motives in all this, but I cant figure out where Blair is coming from. I thought he had more common sense.

Maybe some of you nice folks across the pond, or those who get their news from sources other than Comedy Central can help enlighten me.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.