To broaden my own horizons I watched some Parliament coverage on Cspan this evening.
Blair looked a little frazzled, but he seemed to hold up OK.
What he kept repeating to his opposition is that the major concern with Hussein is not just the fact that he has or had WMD and that he might use them against us/them, but that he has the potential to sell/give them to terrorists. And that based on his past history, and his predilection for anti-social behavior this is a very real possiblilty.
I guess that kind-a makes sense, doesnt it?
I'm still not for war, but I could see where he's coming from. To sum it up in a sentence, Bush and Blair are worried about WMD falling into the wrong hands. They view Hussein not as a direct threat but as an indirect one.
OK, two sentences. I'm probably over-simplifying, but it really hadnt occurred to me that way.

Somebody else brought up something that I didnt know though. Apparently Bush has offered some post-iraq-war rebuild contracts to Cheney's buddies at Haliburton over similar companies in the EU. This ticked off somebody in parliament and they called Blair on it. I cant remember his response though. Does seem kind of shitty, but not altogether unsurprising.
...all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by.