Blair looked a little frazzled

I couldn't help but enjoy this bit (from the Guardian):

"There you are, if you're Tony Blair, up that well-known creek without a paddle. Then you hear a roaring noise behind you, and it's a speedboat, a Rumsfeld Mk 1, which races past you at 40 knots, creating a 10ft wake, slopping brown fluid all over you".

The Guardian piece mentions the lack of leadership alternatives and the notion that other politicians are becoming reconciled to Blair's certainty, but, if the degee of support for war in the UK is as low as it seems, I have a prediction: Blair is toast. Yes, even if we are shocked to find more aluminum tubes -- thousands of them! -- under the bogies of our unilaterally triumphant tanks, I think Blair is toast.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.