
I get a lot of newsletters and stuff that I'd love to read on my PDA. I don't understand the negative view you guys have regarding html in email. Ok, I don't SEND mail using html - I hate it when people do that. But it's nice to have newsletters and notifications in html... What am I not getting?

Well, think about the reasons you dislike getting HTML email from others. That's why HTML email is bad.

For newsletters etc. that I read via email, there's usually a text-only version. For times where the HTML version is preferable, all I need is a link to the HTML version in the text-only email. Then, it's my CHOICE to change from viewing text (in an email application) to viewing HTML (in a web browser), rather than having the sender decide for me, wasting space in my Inbox in the process.

It comes down to personal preference, of course, and I'll admit it's pretty quixotic to fight this battle with the millions of Outlook and Hotmail users in the world... But I do think the Internet would be a better place if email were limited to text and the occasional non-HTML file attachment.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff