Am I the only one who just wants a phone that lets me talk to people once in a while -- and nothing more than that?

Probably so. Sigh...


No, you're probably not. But then, what's the problem? Just get one. They're out there. When I switched to T-Mobile, I got a phone free that was just that: nothing but a basic phone. It seems like every time a feature-rich, do everything phone comes out, people complain about the fact that it's more than a phone. I really don't understand that. It isn't like there aren't simple options. If you don't like this type of phone, don't buy it. It not like added options on $10 phones keep people from making a simple phone call.

That said, I think the iPhone looks great, but it's not for me. I have a nice Japanese import Toshiba that I'm plenty happy with, and don't need the features that the iPhone offers. Damn fine looking phone, though.