The battery, yeah, not user removable kinda sucks. As long as they are pretty easy about allowing replacements somehow, I'm not too concerned. I've never bought a second battery for any of my phones yet.

The point of being able to remove the battery is that you can, absolutely positively, shut the thing off when necessary.

What am I missing here? Does the power button on your phone not completely turn your phone off?

"Roving bugs"


:rolls eyes:

Honestly, do you keep your battery out of your phone unless you have to make a call?

Really, this is silly. My iPod's battery isn't removable either, but if somethin goes wrong with it, I can get it replaced at the Apple store (albeit for a small fee, but no more expensive than 3 years of AA batteries). I see no reason to expect the process will be any different with the iPhone.

And if you're really concerned about the <Hannibal Lecter> FBI </ Hannibal Lecter> hitting you with a roving bug, may I humbly suggest ditching the phone and using Post-It Notes?

I mean, I care about privacy, but c'mon, let's not be silly about it now.