I just read on Slashdot that you won't be able to load 3rd party apps on the iPhone. That just killed any desire for that phone for me.

I thought that Steve-o said that it would support widgets, didn't he? I don't think he said who would design those widgets, but I could have sworn he said it...

Yeah, here's a couple quotes from Engadget's transcript, although they're still cryptic and I'm not sure whether the blogger was paraphrasing or if this is word for word. But Jobs tends to speak like this, which I find really annoying:

"We have widgets, it communicates with the internet over WiFi and EDGE -- you don't have to do anything, it connects to the WiFi seamlessly."

"Incredible new technology for entering text, a real browser on the phone, we can zoom in, Google maps, Widgets... it's the internet in your pocket for the first time ever. You can't really think about the internet without thinking about google."

So yeah, he drops the word "widgets" in there a couple times, but they seem out of place. It's like he's speaking a sentence and then randomly drops the word "widgets" for no apparent reason. He never explains what he means...

Edited by Dignan (12/01/2007 15:04)