Originally Posted By: tfabris
Trolling can be very subtle at times.

Wow! Stunned!

At this point I think I need to ask myself what has the internet done to us all ???

You have met me Tony, long ago I guess, but we have met. We probably shared a beer. I've have been a member here for over a decade. I met my WIFE at an empeg meet but yet you rather believe the worst in me rather than what you should already know.

Your reply should have said "Yeah, I know Cris, totally unintentional I'm sure". It saddens me that it didn't.

If this is what this particular issue brings out in people then count me out!

One final point is, to an outsider the water is pretty muddy. I also spent about 10 seconds Googling too, and whilst my search did throw up similar articles to the ones you link it also threw up stuff like this...


Unless that is a fake website it appears to be legitimate? And paints a slightly different picture to even the BBC article on the exact same topic. So I call that a muddy puddle.

