If it helps set the bar for comparison, here is a site that's collecting documented incidents of hate attacks since the election. Click on each state and you'll see links to news articles substantiating the claims. These go far beyond the scale and scope of being falsely accused of bigotry, which is certainly not okay, but is not at all equal to being the target of actual bigotry, intimidation, and in many cases, physical attacks.

If we expand the threshold of evidence from "credible, vetted claim backed by a supporting news report" to "plausible claim reported online to an organization that tracks hate groups", the number jumps from 122 to 867. Notably, as the PDF points out, this does not include any instances of online-only harassment such as emails and tweets -- the claims have to be related to a physical attack, property defacement, or some other physical evidence. Including email and Twitter in these numbers would of course cause these numbers to grow by orders of magnitude.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff