The problem is that they usually go into fairly sparsely populated areas, drive all the other retailers out of business, at which point none of their customers have any money to buy much of anything, so they then go out of business at that location because they aren't making money anymore.

I hear this all the time but I've never seen it happen. Maybe the areas I have lived in are too rich, but where I am now there are two wal-marts, three or four targets, and probably a couple dozen supermarkets of varying price levels from Safeway (cheap but decent for most things) to Trader Joe's (expensive, with lots of specialty food) to Whole Foods (three times the price of anything else, but they try to justify it by making you feel guilty about buying food that wasn't grown in the first world using third world technology), and they all get enough traffic to stay healthy. Personally I don't go to walmart (except once to buy a hoover fusion) because it's a worse than average shopping experience (poor layout and no self-serve registers) and not close to me, but i don't see the evil.
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