But as for the evilness of Wal-mart, I just donīt get it. So they demand fast, cheap service from their suppliers, so what? Wal-martīs customers demand the same from them. Nobodyīs putting a gun to the suppliersī or the customersī heads.

I guarantee you suppliers wouldnīt be doing business with Wal-mart if they were losing money in the deal. Everyone is making money off of Wal-mart - the customers, the suppliers, and Wal-mart themselves. The only people who arenīt are the obsolete businesses who canīt keep up. Henry Ford put the horse-buggy makers out of business. Cry me a river. Itīs not the end of the world. Itīs technology.

If so many people detested Wal-mart then these small Mom and Pop shops would stay in business. In fact, they would thrive. Walmart doesnīt have the best shopping atmosphere, but they make up for it with dirt cheap prices, and thatīs what most people want more.