Well, first, making a movie hardly has health concerns.

My example wasn't meant to be about "health concerns", but about dealing with personal ethics in the workforce. In the case where there are no other pharmacists available, the pharmacist is ethically bound to fill a legal prescription as ordered by a doctor. However, that same pharmacist should not be required to fill the prescription if he/she is morally against the use of that drug and there is another pharmacist available to fill the prescription. If there is no other pharmacist to dispense the drugs, and the "moral" pharmacist has issues doing so, then, as Jim suggested, it's time for that person to find a position.

Second, if the pharmacist is also a member of the KKK, would it be okay for him to refuse antibiotics to his non-white customers?

That's absurd. There's a pretty big difference between racial bigotry, and a moral stance derived from a viewpoint that life begins at conception.