I find it so wierd that people could just make a list of things, and buy the same stuff every week.. each time I goto the store, I have to think about "what havn't I tried recently" and poke around until I find something new. I have my standard recepies, but I am always on the lookout for a change of pace. Food is like music.. it all tastes boring after the 100th time in a row.

I agree completely. Besides, I buy my fresh bread and milk daily, and fruits and veggies at least twice a week.

I was talking about this a few months ago with a guy at work here, who is from Switzerland. It's essentially a completely different culture. Daily trips to the market are not the norm in North America. Part of the difference, is, I think, simply due to urban sprawl, and the car-culture we have here. We don't have mini-grocery stores on every corner here, where we just walk down to the corner store for fresh food -- what's more common is a 7-11 convenience store, which are more noted for selling liquor, porn mags, junk-food, and slurpees, than they are for their fresh produce (which some do actually carry). When it involves a 20 minute trip out of your way to get even your basic groceries, you're not going to want to make it more than you have to. I'm lucky -- I live within walking distance of (at least) 7 grocery stores, and pass two or three (depending on my route) on my way to/from work (to stay briefly on-topic, none of them are WalMart) -- so I do make frequent trips for fresh groceries.