I played with someone's iPhone over the holidays while on a road trip... in fact I spent a few hours on it, I couldn't put it down. It's definitely one of those devices that makes you want to tell a naysayer to just try it. Go pick one up, and play with it. The interface and integrated nature of the apps is brilliant. It's not perfect, it's missing things, but damn, it's by far the best phone/pocket media device I've ever seen. After messing around with it for a while I picked up someone else's Blackjack, trying to do some similar tasks, and wanted to throw the thing across the room.

I was planning on resisting the 1st gen, but i found it incredibly useful despite it's flaws and will probably be picking one up soon. I don't mind paying extra for something that works the way I need it when I need it and isn't another tech headache to add to my life. I never in a million years thought I'd pay $600 for a phone, ever, but damn if an actual in person test with the thing hasn't convinced me otherwise (sort of like the Wii!)
|| loren ||