How did you two use the keyboard? Yes, it is different, and it does take a bit to learn, but hammering out on it trying to go full speed with two thumbs your first 5 minutes with the device is going to make it worse. I'm not necessarily defending it as the best thing, but I'm not finding it a problem either. Though I never walked around with a device with a small keyboard before, so it might be easier to learn from a fresh start.

This is the WPM scores from a review I saw recently, going at it with both thumbs once they had used the device for a bit:

  • Apple iPhone - 39.6
  • Blackberry 8800 - 39.30
  • Helio Ocean - 53.00
  • LG Prada - 33.80
  • Nokia N95 - 29.28
  • Palm Treo 750 - 43.8

As for another issue I noticed, you can't insert a photo into a reply e-mail. The e-mail must be started by going to the photo first, then clicking the button to e-mail. I also couldn't find a way to e-mail multiple photos.