Originally Posted By: DWallach
Dragging up an old thread again...

Heh. I was about to drag this thread up again, myself. I've given up on my Thomson -- my PS3 could never connect to the PlayStation Network. It could connect to the Internet just fine, just not to PSN. The Thomson kept dropping the WAN connection as well.

So, I've gone back to the Zyxel P-660HW-T1 that was giving me setup grief previously. Turns out that my problems with setting up port forwarding were because the port forward (bizarrely) doesn't automatically open a hole in the firewall. The PS3/PSN connection seems rock-solid now, though.

Where I'm having problems is that I can't get the WiFi working properly -- it doesn't want to play nice when it's not also doing DHCP server service, so I'm considering using a separate access point, although I'm going to poke around with the configuration a bit more.

But, back to Dan's point: I was looking around for a potential replacement and saw negative stories about Netgear's customer support, and Linksys reliability, etc. I figure that it's a self-selection thing: happy people don't bother writing reviews, but I wasn't willing to drop £80 on a new router and then discover that it didn't work (for my defined value of "work").

In short: sorry, I have no idea. If I had a couple of grand, I'd get something from Cisco. I'd even consider separate DSL modem, router and access point.
-- roger