Interesting. You said you can ping but "can't connect to the internet" (I'm assuming you mean that you can't browse). So this sounds like the router is blocking or trying to redirect traffic on some ports (i.e., port 80, the web browsing port) and not on other ports (i.e., the ports used for Ping).

I'm assuming you've herped the derp (rebooted the router) so that can't be it. You didn't say so, but I know that's one of the first things you would have tried. Of course, if you haven't done so yet, shame on you.

Dig into the router's settings, and see if it has added some kind of firewall feature enabled to block port 80, or is doing some kind of port redirect or DMZ for port 80.

(Side note: You said you already looked at the router's settings, so you *can* seem to get into the router's settings page with your web browser... that's an interesting diagnostic point.)

If that's in there and you didn't put it there, consider the possibility that someone nearby has guessed your router's wireless password, has also guessed its setup password, and has now been modifying its settings for their own nefarious purposes.

Those routers come set up by default so that they can't be configured from the internet, only from a computer that is successfully attached to the local wired or local wireless interface. So if you find that someone has done redirects in the router's settings, it's unlikely to have come from the internet. Unless of course you enabled router configuration via the internet port, in which case, shame on you again. :-)
Tony Fabris