Originally Posted By: StigOE
Didn't you just say you couldn't connect if you connected to the OOMA box, bypassing the router? To me it looks like the cable modem is the culprit if you can't connect when the PC is connected to the OOMA box and the router isn't even connected. Or was there some misunderstanding here?
I'm not following your reasoning here. The cable modem seems to be OK, in that if I connect my computer to it directly there is no problem. But, as soon as I add the router, things stop working. When I add the OOMA without the router, things stop working. When I add the OOMA with the router, ping works, browser doesn't.

Something new has been added to the mix. The "normal" configuration is Modem-->OOMA-->Router-->PC. If I take the OOMA out of the circuit, so it is Modem-->Router-->PC, then the internet connectivity light on the router begins flashing rapidly, and nothing works. This is a new behavior, and may be suggestive of a hardware problem in the router.

Here is a chart showing the various configurations and their results.


Test Grid.png

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