Yeah, it's sounded like a router thing from the start. These things go bad all the time (so do modems, BTW), so it's not shocking, especially considering how cheaply made nearly every Linksys router has been since the later versions of the WRT54G. The biggest evidence of how bad it's been since then is the fact that the WRT54GL remains in production, sells extraordinarily well, and hasn't seen a revision in years. It makes me chuckle every time I install one**. As long as it continues to sell as well as it does, and remains on Newegg's "Customer Choice Best Seller" list (with over 3,600 reviews and five stars), I can't see Linksys discontinuing the product.

Now, why it hasn't moved Cisco to release a router that carries over the things everyone loves about the GL while combining it with modern technology...I have no idea. My guess is that they're printing money with the GL and it probably costs them nothing to make.

In conclusion: if you don't really need gigabit ethernet or 802.11n or the 5GHz band, you might as well go with the trusty WRT54GL.

**I'll be installing three next week laugh

BTW, check out Newegg's Customer Choice Award winner for routers. It's won 49 times. Not in a row, but look at the other winners sprinkled in there and the difference in the level of technology!

Edited by Dignan (25/02/2012 19:54)