Originally Posted By: mlord
Great. How's the wifi relay holding out now?

Perfectly. Ny neighbor gets such a strong signal from it that she can use her computer even in her bathroom, which is separated from the router by two brick walls.

I keep it in a sealed box (Thanks, Larry818!) with ventilation holes for the antennae and water drainage, wrapped in shiny foil for heat reflection. On a hot day the temperature inside stays below 45 degrees (C), and in a downpour no water gets inside. Setup was totally PnP. The only "problem" has been my neighbor not understanding that when the internet is down (ISP [or more recently router] failure) that the repeater is still putting out a nice five-bar signal, it's just that there is no data content to it.

Thank you for a very workable, reliable setup.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"