Hi Doug,

The thing about cable modems, is that a fast power-cycle won't always "do it". Here, my own modem will lock me out regardless when I fuss around with switching connections on it. If I then do a quick power cycle, no change. But if I power it off for 3 minutes or so, and THEN power it back on, it usually behaves again.

That said, there's something at the CMTS (cable company end of the wire) that "remembers" things as well.. it's all rather over complicated, trying to prevent fraud and whatnot.

So try that first -- 3-minute power cycle.


Next, you said that you could "ping google.com" from a DOS window. Could you elaborate on the exact setup for that? Which computer, how is it connected to the router, what operating system/version is it using, etc. With that info, we should be able to begin to understand the problem.

Now, dig out your digital camera, and take a few non-blurry photos of the various setup screens on the router, and see if you can post the resulting photos here for us to view. NOT full zillion-megabyte resolution, but rather just good enough that we can read the text.
