Originally Posted By: Dignan
I wouldn't say you have to worry about this particular threat. Rather, I'd worry that Macs are finally reaching the point where it's worth it for virus creators to target this large untapped market.

Agreed. And the bad thing is that Apple decided to build on this silly idea of a "safer" system, which is not inherently true, and now many unaware users will pay the price for it. Not that this surprises me a bit, honestly, and I've been expecting this time to come for a while given the increasing market share of OSX. The thing is, at work we all expect more and more users to crowd our tech support offices, and that's going to be a lot of work and resources to be organized, and a lot of money. And it is going to be the same in many organizations with an expanding OSX userbase. Thank you Apple for telling all these people they can be safe and they don't need any AV product. Is there going to be another "I'm a Mac-I'm a PC" commercial series where the sneezing guy with the cold is the young and cool one, now? That would be less smug and more responsible, for once.
= Taym =
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