Originally Posted By: taym
Agreed. And the bad thing is that Apple decided to build on this silly idea of a "safer" system, which is not inherently true, and now many unaware users will pay the price for it. Not that this surprises me a bit, honestly, and I've been expecting this time to come for a while given the increasing market share of OSX.

This is what I don't understand. One semi major incident means that OS X instantly loses the safer title? While Windows has been a security nightmare for ages and only has recently begun to improve? I want to say there is a specific term for this, but can't name it currently.

It took Microsoft decades to respond to their glaring virus issue with a free product (Microsoft Security Essentials still not installed by default and Windows Defender which is). Apple on the other hand responds within weeks to clean up any mess on their side. Including the effort when trojans first started appearing on OS X to build in a new security feature akin to Windows Defender.

Call it smug if you want, but I think Apple has every right to still promote their desktop system as a safer alternative to Windows. Not only due to the pure numbers of security issues on both sides, but also because they were more responsible then their competitor every time an incident has occurred. If you go back and look at Apple's claims, they never said virus proof, or any sort of similar language. Their direct claim was that their platform didn't suffer the same sorts of problems that Windows did. Yes, the echo chamber and fanboys turned it into virus proof, but that is not Apple speaking.
