Originally Posted By: Dignan
I'll probably kick myself for not splurging on 10TB right now
I had the opposite problem. I had to twist the arm of my computer store to get me a hard drive as small as 3TB. smile Cost me $2100. That's pesos, not dollars. Figure about $116 USD.

No doubt I could have shopped around on-line and found it cheaper, but now it is taking eight weeks or longer to get a package through Mexican customs [thank you, Mr. Trump] and the store (not the manufacturer) is giving me a three year warranty. I have had occassion to use the store's warranty, and it is immediate, no questions asked.

I remember paying about $600 USD for an upgrade to a monster 640MB hard drive on my '386 computer, a little under a dollar a megabyte. Now I just paid less than four one-thousandths of a penny per megabyte.

It's mind-boggling.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"