So are you saying that man popped fully formed into the universe X number of years ago at the behest of God, outside the process of evolution, which created all the other life on the planet?
I'm honestly not sure exactly how it all happened- I think the most important aspect is that God created man. In my own contemplation I've considered that perhaps God spoke everything into existence and then let it run based on a set of rules from there, intervening at certain points.

Take for instance the feeding of the 5000 where Jesus made bread and fish appear. Assuming that this was a miracle and the fish appeared out of thin air, a scientific examination of said fish would lead to some very wrong conclusions about the fish- that it existed for so many years based on its size and shape, etc. But then, studying the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 through science really isn't very useful. The principles of how fish normally develop remain unchanged, even if this one example defies the rule. I consider it possible that Creation operates the same way.

What I absolutely believe (and I think you're in agreement here, at least conceptually), is that if/when God could/does intervene in the world, He has acted in a way that is outside of science and that science cannot inform us about. In my own personal conjecture I've reasoned that if Creation is one of those events where God operated outside of what we can observe and reproduce (which at some point He must have, if not with the creation of man at least with the creation of matter), then that becomes an event over which science isn't useful and if applied will come to wrong conclusions.

Anyway, as I've said a couple of times, thinking along these lines is personal conjecture and WAY outside of any serious Christian teaching, so it should be taken that way. Christianity asserts that God created man, and most orthodox Christian teaching holds that before man was created there was no death in the world. Why that doesn't line up with what we've been led to believe by science is something that Christians must resolve, either by modifying their doctrines, changing the way they view science, or re-examining the science behind the claims to find possible error. Most Christians take the third stance- mine is closer to the second.
Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings; they did it by killing all those who opposed them.