What I absolutely believe (and I think you're in agreement here, at least conceptually), is that if/when God could/does intervene in the world

Boy, I don't know that I can really apply a truth value to a conjecture based on a false premise. It's like it's NaN.

either by modifying their doctrines, changing the way they view science, or re-examining the science behind the claims to find possible error. Most Christians take the third stance- mine is closer to the second.

God, I hope you're wrong. I think you are. I don't think that most Christians I know (and remember I live and grew up in the Bible Belt) don't feel compelled to do any of those. I'm pretty most Christians recognize that the Bible is full of stories. Stories that may help them with moral quandaries, potentially, but stories nonetheless. I sincerely hope that you literalists are the minority I think you are.

Edit: The National Opinion Research Center would seem to indicate that you're not the extreme minority I'd hoped. I wonder if the mean lies closer to you and John or closer to that crazy woman on WifeSwap the other night. (I feel dirty just saying that, but I only saw it on The Soup. I swear.)

Edited by wfaulk (14/11/2005 17:25)
Bitt Faulk