Originally Posted By: andym
Personally I think it's pretty shitty move by Palm to do it this way. Surely they'd gain more cred if they had proof they discussed the possibility of doing legitimately with Apple who then told them to fsck off. Why is it no different than me trying to impersonate a college student to avoid paying full price entry at the cinema?

Sorry, but another bad analogy. The only way to make that one work is if the theater had a table where you could fill out a form saying that you were a college student, even if you weren't, and then you could get the discount.

Remember, there are non-Apple devices that sync with iTunes, but they require 3rd party software. I don't see why all of a sudden it's so terrible that Palm wants to sync with iTunes directly. I see it as making things easier on their own customers.

Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: Dignan
Anyway, personally, I'll side with Palm on this issue.

Ignoring my opinions of either company, I'm siding with standards on this one. That that means Palm is the one doing the wrong thing here.

I'm sorry, I didn't expand on my thought there because I figured it wouldn't be worth arguing with Bruno. I just wanted to play devil's advocate here. I make no claim that Palm is in the right, either legally or with the USB specs, but I maintain that I don't see why it's such a terrible thing for a company to want its devices to sync with iTunes in a way that consumers want.

I agree that they should have tried to work with Apple, but we all know how that would have ended. I also agree that they probably shouldn't advertise iTunes support as a feature when they know full well that Apple will be working to break it.